Contact Us
You can reach us by coming by to see us in person or giving us a call, sending us an email or filling out this form. Please note if you call us after hours the call will be forwarded to a pager. We take your call regardless of time of day or night seriously. Your call will be promptly returned. Orders you place with us will be promptly filled within hours.
Santee Shop & Yard / Warehouse
11478 Woodside Ave North, Santee, CA 92071
Candace Friedman, President
Jose Morado, Special Events
Ashley Klocksieben, Purchaser
Neyde Menjivar, A/R
EL Centro Shop & Yard / Warehouse
105 W. Main Street, El Centro, CA 92243
El Centro Office:
Christian Ayala: El Centro Shop Foreman
Phone: (760)336-3044
Fax: (760)336-3067
After-hours phone calls are forwarded to a pager. Your call will be promptly returned, and your order will be filled within hours.
Santee Area
11478 Woodside Ave North
Santee, CA 92071
(619) 299-5100
EL Centro Shop & Yard / Warehouse
105 West Main Street
El Centro, CA 92243
(760) 336-3044